LED  Screen   Rental         

About us

LED walls everywhere

My company, 4VISION Kft., started its operations in 2023, which specifically provides an LED wall as a stage visual element for various conferences, commercial events, corporate gatherings.

We discuss the ideas, tour the location, plan the visual design of the event, discuss the special needs, and our professional audio-visual team installs it, which in reality will represent an even higher standard. 

In the course of our work, we always strive to give our customers the highest quality and ensure precise execution, reliable and safe operation.

        Vincze Szabolcs

Frequently Asked Questions

What can the LED walls we use
be used for?


The LED walls can be installed in different sizes, thanks to their design and high brightness, they stand out perfectly at conference events, lecture halls and other visualizations. It definitely raises the light of the event in a positive way and can project a completely different image to the general public.

What are the advantages of the LED video wall over other displays?


LED video walls provide high brightness, strong contrast, and lifelike colors for the viewer. Brighter and more vivid colors appear, and viewing from different angles does not degrade the quality.

It doesn't hurt the quality if the current location is very bright, this is their advantage that it produces perfect image quality even in daylight.

How do I choose the right size and resolution for my LED video wall?


Choosing the right size of the LED wall can depend on several factors. The first is the line of sight, the size of the room and the intended use of the video wall.

Whether it is an outdoor or indoor wall, the available space and the environment will determine what kind of wall to choose.

Minőségi eszközpark

About us

Berta Emese HILTI office manager

Tökéletes, pontos kivitelezés, látványban verhetetlen, ezentúl csak is LED fal.

Varga Emília Event2000 Kft.

Nagyon elégedettek voltunk a szolgáltatással, minőségi megjelenítést kaptunk, továbbra is fogunk veletek dolgozni.

Puskás András Nyom-Press Bt.

A jövőben is bizalommal fordulunk hozzátok, mind a minőség mind a kivitelezés zökkenőmentesen zajlott. Az esemény fő látvány eleme volt a munkátok.

About us


Nagyon elégedettek voltunk a szolgáltatással, minőségi megjelenítést kaptunk, továbbra is fogunk veletek dolgozni. - Varga Emília - Event2000 Kft.


A jövőben is bizalommal fordulunk hozzátok, mind a minőség mind a kivitelezés zökkenőmentesen zajlott. Az esemény fő látvány eleme volt a munkátok.  - Puskás András - Nyom-Press Bt.